Chinmaya Mission Bakersfield
The aim of Chinmaya Mission Hospital is to run a multi-specialty Hospital with high specialty facilities provided by competent institutions/professionals. The Hospital offers practically all Specialities and Hi-Tech diagnostic services under one roof. The goal of the hospital is to provide quality care at a reasonable cost and to also provide relatively low cost hospital care to the under-privileged for whom over 40% beds are dedicated as concessionals. 70 to 100 patients are seen every day in the Casualty department. OPD patients number more than 600 per day. 200 beds are available, with the average occupancy being 70%; ICU occupancy is over 80%. Every year, around 5,000 operations are performed and over 500,000 laboratory investigations are done. Well integrated hospital IT management systems ensure that IPD & OPD records, Discharge Summaries, X-ray images and Sonology reports as well as laboratory reports can be directly accessed by Consultants.

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