Chinmaya Mission Bakersfield

The Naada Bindu Festival for the Arts (NBFA) is an annual performing arts festival that features world-renowned artists of classical music and dance.

Started in April 2011, Kalaateet Music Festival is an annual feature (in Mumbai), providing a platform for promising young talent in the field of Indian classical music. The vision behind this festival is to expose the younger generation to traditional forms of music and encourage them to pursue the arts as a profession.

Music and Dance Appreciation Workshops

• Musical Quotient to Happiness Quotient (MQ2HQ)

Through audio-visual presentations and interactive sessions, these workshops explore how music can be used to improve the efficiency and performance of an individual, as well as contribute to his holistic growth.

• Dance-Play-Learn

This is a participatory movement play-shop for teachers and students. It uses out-of-the-box explorative movements and exercises that integrate improvised and structured dance concepts with educational concepts driven by brain research data. It emphasizes the cultural and spiritual significance of dance in the Indian context.

• Open your Eyes to the Sound of Music • Dancing Voices, Singing Bells

Since its conception, Chinmaya Naada Bindu has played host to five performing arts festivals, presenting about 80 artists including some world-renowned artists, and has reached an audience of around 25,000 through festivals, workshops and performances.

"A sense of satisfaction fills one’s heart when one works in the field that one likes best. All members of CNB are doing what they know best, and that brings about the difference in results. CNB is growing from being a small sapling to becoming a strong tree that gives of itself for the benefit of others."

– Pramodini Rao, Resident Director, Chinmaya Naada Bindu

CNB's Chinmaya Social Responsibility Programme

In synchrony with the Chinmaya Mission ideal of ‘giving more than what we take’, CNB has initiated a Social Responsibility Programme, a community-based development approach through which children from the neighbouring villages are provided free training in music.

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